Beeswax wraps are an environmentally-friendly alternative to cling wrap – we’ve put together this DIY guide to beeswax wraps to help you watch your WASTEline this festive season!
Why replace cling-wrap?
Like other non-recyclables, plastic food wrap ends up on landfill at best, and as litter on land and in the sea at worst. Using beeswax wraps to cover your food is a great way to reduce your use of single use plastics!
You’ll need…
- cotton fabric squares with festive patterns
- white beeswax beads – cosmetic wax (about a cup for 4 squares of beeswax wrap)
- an iron
- an old towel or blanket (that you don’t mind getting wax on)
- A roll of baking paper
- A pair of fabric scissors
Step 1
Cut your fabric into square shapes using fabric scissors. It’s best to do a few different sizes so they fit over different sized food items and bowls!
Step 2
Lay down your towel or blanket and turn on the iron to heat it up.
Step 3
Place a few sheets of baking paper onto the towel and lay your cotton squares on top.
Step 4
Evenly sprinkle your beeswax over the cotton square, ensuring that you go to the edges.
Step 5
Place another few sheets of baking paper on top of the bees wax covered squares.
Step 6
Use the hot iron to slowly iron over the beeswax so it melts and covers the cotton. Use iron with caution and be conscious of your surroundings when using it!
Step 7
Peel back the paper to check that the wax is evenly melted. You may need to sprinkle more on for even coverage and then replace the paper and iron again.
Step 8
Peel the wax infused cotton square off the baking paper and let it cool and set on a wire rack or peg it onto a line of string to dry.
Step 9
Your new beeswax wrap is ready to be used! Use it in place of cling wrap to cover your leftovers in the fridge. Hand-wash in warm water with soap after every use to keep it fresh!