Vocal Rewind- Gaelen Interview



Our newest member Xavier asked Sydney youth producer Gaelen a few questions last week:

If you were not a musician what would you be?
Good question, I dunno. I’d probably be doing psychology maybe, maybe something creative? Painting? Psychology or art.

What do you think your best song or content is?
I did a six minute soundtrack for an animation a few years ago. It was probably the most technically challenging thing I’ve done.

If you were remembered for one thing, what would it be?
I think overall you want to be remembered not so much as a person but for what you gave to others in life like a net worth kind of thing. I want to have fostered positive change, irrespective of my personal legacy.

What was the biggest contributing factor to your career?
Moving from bedroom producing to a professional studio has really changed the dynamic of work.

Do you have much of a following at the moment?
Not so much for my own stuff but for another project I’m working on, yes. It’s called Valley Onda.

What would you ask of your followers?
Please like me and listen to me *laughter*

What are you hoping to achieve?
You want to do something that’s good and of value to others around you. Like, you wanna do it for you and that’s part of it but it’s a community experience as well. It’s really important to never do an average job on anything.

If you wanted someone to follow in your footsteps, what would you do?
Surround yourself with curiosity, surround yourself with good people who like to work hard and work collaboratively. The internet and social media are really dividing people. It feels like you’re more connected because you’re on a shared platform but that’s more people competing against one another with highlights and that sort of thing. It can end up being pretty toxic. Be true to yourself and others, that kind of thing.

What are your plans from here?
Valley Onda plans are finish the album off, the songs are there, mix and master them and start touring internationally. I’m super excited to play live with the group for the first time.

What are the greatest threats to Australia and the world right now?
Tribalism threatens us as a species. It feels like many groups are butting heads over non issues and really fragmenting us. Yeah. Tribalism. Hate.

Would you rather know the history of everything you touch or be able to talk to animals?
That’s tricky! Probably anything I touched. The history of the world would be fascinating to look into.

Do you have any upcoming gigs?
June the 7th is our launch gig in Redfern which we’re super excited to play.

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